Golden Palace Casino Games, Play it today!

Golden Palace Online Casino

The flagship of all online casinos, is probably the world's best known and respected online casino. Since 1997, serving over 5 million customers, is by far the hottest casino on the Internet. has won virtually every award in the industry, including: Best Slots, Best Video Poker, and Best Sign-up Bonus, voted by Only Slots Magazine. With accolades like that, you to have check it out. is simply the best of the best. uses the latest version of the great PlayTech software, and their software and Random Number Generator (RNG) are audited and verified for accuracy by BMM, the most credible casino auditing company in the world. And the odds here are better than Vegas across the board. Their games and their graphics are first-rate too. The games are easy and fun to play, and they feel like the real deal. You'll love playing here.

You'll get a huge 300% bonus within 15 minutes of your first deposit and a constant stream of comps, rewards, bonuses and cash-back to maximize your bankroll every week.

As for their customer support, it's simply the world's best, with 24/7 live support via email, live chat or toll-free phone call from anywhere in the world.

Golden Palace offers almost every depositing and banking option, and deposits go through very quickly.

Players can make deposits using FirePay, credit cards, Neteller, Citadel and many other ways. Online Casino is legally licensed by the Kahnawake Gaming Commission, the strictest online casino licensing authority in the world. is the top shelf of online casinos in every respect.

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